Humana infant formula 1 750g
Humana Infant Formula 1 is ideal as a supplement to breast milk or as a milk formula on its own if you aren’t breast-feeding. You can use Humana Infant Formula 1 up to the end of the bottle-feeding stage. If it no longer satisfies your baby properly, we recommend switching to Humana Infant Formula 2 after the sixth month.
with DHA
Ingredients :
Entsalztes Molkenpulver, pflanzliche ?le (Palme, Raps, Sonnenblume), Laktose, Magermilchpulver, Galacto-Oligosaccharide (aus Milch), Palmkernfett, 2'-Fucosyllactose, ?l aus Mortierella alpina, Calciumcarbonat, Cholinbitartrat, Calciumsalze der Orthophosphors?ure, Natriumcitrat, Vitamin C, Kaliumcitrat, ?l aus der Mikroalge Schizochytrium sp., Eisenbisglycinat, Kaliumchlorid, Inositol, Natriumselenat, L-Tryptophan, Magnesiumcarbonat, L-Tyrosin, Mangansulfat, L-Phenylalanin, Nukleotide (Cytidin-5′-monophosphors?ure, Natriumsalze der Uridin-5'-phosphors?ure, Adenosin-5′-phosphors?ure, Natriumsalze der Inosin-5'-phosphors?ure, Natriumsalze der Guanosin-5'-phosphors?ure), Taurin, Kaliumiodat, Vitamin E, Riboflavin, Vitamin B12, Zinksulfat, Vitamin D, Vitamin A, Pantothens?ure, Biotin, Thiamin, Vitamin B6, Vitamin K, Niacin, Kupfersulfat, Fols?ure.